Which administration of the California Attorneys Bar Exam offers the practicing professional the best opportunity for a passing result? Statistically, for the general bar examination, one would think the July exam is a better option. The pass rate in July overall is simply higher than the pass
Read more →“Attorneys need to draw on their professional knowledge and skills to set themselves apart from the average California bar exam candidate.” Focused bar exam review is crucial.
Read more →Courtesy of Executive Bar Review A? B? C? D? Tough call. All four answer choices seem plausible. This is a very common tale among bar exam applicants sitting for the Mulitstate Bar Exam, better known as the MBE. The MBE is a 200 question multiple-choice exam administered
Read more →California bar exam candidates have individual bar review needs specific to their situations. Repeat takers and out of state attorneys sitting for the California bar exam face a greater challenge than their first time taker counterparts. Bar exam pass rates for both categories lag far behind first
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